Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What?!? It's May Already - How did that happen?????

Wow with the winter that seemed to drag on FOREVER, I blink my eyes and it is May! We have been having so much fun with spring activities in our room now that the weather is better and everyone is out of the dulldrums...We are busy this week gearing up for our Mother's Day Tea which will be held this Friday, May 9.
The kids really seem to be enjoying their genius hour projects....you may have heard this term at home and not known what your student was talking about, but in a nutshell, every Friday, the students have 1 hour at the end of the day to work on a project of their choice.  We have everything from baking to knitting to preparations for a Magic Show...I love watching the kids learn from their own inquiries.  It is such authentic learning, when students are learning and researching a topic they are passionate about!  I can't wait to see their final products!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Welcome to March!

It has been quite a while since I have done a post, but if you have looked at our kidblogs, you have seen that we have been extremely busy!  The students most recently have been working very hard at creating their very own non-fiction animal fact books.  They seem to be enjoying this project immensely since it is entirely student driven.  I am loving the creativity that this activity is bringing out in the kids!
I also wanted to make a special note, that March 19 will be spring picture day here at school.  There is an opportunity on this day also to have sibling shots taken.
I hope everyone has a very restful and fun Spring Break.  See Everyone back on March 18!  Can't wait to hear all the stories!